Chapter 23: Lending a Hand
unnin. She can''''t act without fear of the consequence, so that she could be a iden rather than a won for so lon. 作为这里的妈妈,她一辈子都在这个行业。不听话不配合的姑娘她见多了,没有她治不了的。可是她有点不一样,是个特例、有点棘手。她阴险狡诈,让她投鼠忌器,不敢动她。 And she''''s nosy, such a ney tree as she is. The ney would fall even if she ved her body a little or lifted her finer. But instead, she spends a lot of ti ddlin with others'''' business. 还有她好管闲事,明明是一棵金钱树,只要她动一动身子,哪怕伸一伸手指头那些钱呀,就哗啦哗啦地掉下来了。可是呢?她却把很多时间都花在管闲事上面。 Her wins have hardened over the years and even dares fiht aainst her, and even as a boss like her, she has to step back sotis. 这些年她翅膀更硬了,居然敢和她对着干。很多时候,连她这个做妈妈的都不得不作出退步。 Althouh she helps to coort a lot of irls who have asked for death, reducin the death rate and their losses, how can she not be upset when such a bi ney tree only cares about these useless thins and isn''''t worth ch? 虽然她帮助她说服了很多寻死觅活的姑娘,减少了死亡率,给自己减少了损失,可是那么大一颗摇钱树却做着折磨芝麻绿豆大的事儿她怎么能不生气。