Chapter 2: Live a Happy Life
After turnin 10, I went to the entertainnt parlor. While I reconized that the entertainnt parlor was not a healthy environnt for won, it was still far better than doin labor work all day. 10岁后,我去了歌伎坊,因为我很清楚,歌伎坊虽然不是良家女子该呆的地方,可是至少比终日操劳着干体力活,脏活,累活要好很多。 Moreover, the entertainnt parlor is ch better than the prostitute''''s house. At least we are sellin skills rather than our bodies. 更何况歌伎坊比风月场所还是要好得多,至少我们是卖艺不卖身。 The irls frothe entertainnt parlor all co frolow-inco falies. 歌伎坊的姑娘们都是穷苦人家的孩子。 We can''''t bear the hardships and hopelessness of people experiencin poverty; there is no better choice. That''''s why we are here to learn how to sin and dance. 我们都是因为吃不了穷苦的苦和贫穷所带来的绝望,而又没有其它更好的选择,才来这学唱歌跳舞的。 Who wouldn''''t want a clean backround if we had any choices? It would be better if we were eleant ladies frorenowned falies. 若人生有选择,谁不愿意自己是清清白白的身世?最好是大家闺秀,名门淑媛。 But I have nothin to do with sothin like this in this lifeti. 可是这些东西与我今生无缘。 I astrulin with the need for food and clothin because I was born into a low-inco faly. Starvin is a horrible ry for . I st live a ood life in the future. 我出身贫寒,正在温饱边缘徘徊,饥饿对于我来说是一段可怕的回忆,未来我一定要过上好日子。 How does a irl like ke a ood livin? 像我这样的姑娘如何过上好日子? Throuh faly love, rontic love is even re ridiculous to soone like . I like to attach self to those in power and rise to the top of the world so that all the hard work in life will not be in vain. 亲情早已看破,爱情对于我这种人来说更觉可笑,我这辈子就喜欢攀龙附凤必踏青云上天梯,如此我这辈子所吃的苦才不白费。 My inco was better after I ca to the entertainnt parlor, and I was finally allowed to study. 也正是进入了歌伎坊,我有了相对高点的收入,并且得到了自己梦寐以求的学习的机会。 My skills are better since I worked harder and sweated re than others. As a result, I continued to ture every day. 我学的技艺都比一般人要好,我背后付出了比别人更多的汗水,更多的泪水和辛劳,就这样我一天天地长大。 I bean studyi