Chapter 1: Live a Happy Life
My na is Xu Qianqian, and despite faly''''s difficulties, I have always been anaitious and proud irl. 我叫徐芊芊,家境贫寒,却从小就心比天高。 I have always excelled in everythin I do and have coleted assinnts faster than others since childhood. I had never accepted fate and thouht I would soday chane destiny. 从小我做什么事情都比别人做得好,比别人做得快,因为我从来都不认命,我总觉得有一天我终会改变自己的命运。 I have a youner sister and an elder brother. My brother has been learnin to read and write dailysince he was a sll child, whileI spent days workin and financin the whole faly. 我上有一个哥哥,下有一个妹妹,从小哥哥每天学习读书识字,而我每天的时间都要用来干活和养家糊口。 One can acquire wealth, honor, and beauty by succeedin in ierial exa throuh hard readin and learnin. I have also been very fond of readin and learnin since I was a sll child. 所谓书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉,我从小也是很喜欢读书学习的。 But I don''''t have this opportunity since I was born into an ioverished and incredibly particular faly. 只是我没有这个机会,因为我不仅出身贫寒,更是出身在一个非常重男轻女的家庭。 I was born a victibecause I was the eldest sister and was responsible for elder brother and youner sister. 我是长姐,上要为哥哥无私奉献自己,下要爱护妹妹,我生来就是这么一个牺牲品。 "The sprin worsilks until it dies, and silarly, the candle burns with tears until it turns to ash." This was the st accurate portrayal of self, but I was unsure if I was born intellient or if God blessed . “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”这是对我最真实的写照。可是不知是我天资聪颖,还是天不绝我。 I will secretly borrow books fro brother and study so words alone when I have ti, then I radually learned so words, so I anot illiterate. 一有空时我就拿着哥哥的书,偷偷地从哥哥那里学着写字,竟也渐渐识得了一些字,所以我不是文盲。 Althouh there was a school for irls, and sister attended, I was not iven the opportunity. 其实也有女子学堂,我的邻居有好几个姑娘都上学去了,我的妹妹也去上了学,可是就是我没有机会。 I told parents I wanted to o to school countless tis, but all in vain. 无数次我向爹娘表达自己想要学习的愿望,可是都没有结果。 When I requested to o to school,