Chapter 5: Chaotic Times乱世
?也可以,但是至少也应该有个婚礼吧?” "A weddin? What''''s the point of all that fuss? It''''s a waste of ti, dear. Don''''t you know a nt of love is worth a thousand old?" “婚礼?折腾这么多做什么?白白浪费了时光,小美人可知春宵一刻值千金?” He was jokin, of course. They had no intention of holdin a proper weddin. They weren''''t foolish enouh to publicly rry a won they had forcibly taken as a concubine. They knew the Cui faly was powerful, even if they didn''''t fully understand the extent of it. 开什么玩笑,强抢民女纳妾还敢大张旗鼓来迎娶,办婚礼,他可没有这么傻,更何况这不是一般人家的女儿,这是崔家的小女儿崔玉,这崔家有多厉害,他们这些常年在京城的地头蛇就算不知,也听得几分。 "You... at least let chane clothes and put on bridal keup, alriht?" “你....那至少让我化个装,换身新嫁娘的衣服总可以了吧?” They areed, and I seized this opportunity to plan escape and seek help. 换来了同意,而我就利用这化妆换衣的时刻要想尽办法离开,去求救,去逃生。 "han in there. Trust , I''''ll find a way to save you," I whispered into her ear. “心儿,坚持住,相信我,我一定会想办法来救你。”我悄声和心儿耳语道。 "Miss, don''''t worry about , just escape! Save yourself, and if you et the chance, avene !" “小姐,不要管我,你快逃吧!保全自己,若有机会,为我报仇!”