Chapter 6: Chaotic Times
With tears in eyes, I lowered head and left the roo Now was not the ti to cry or show weakness. 我含着泪,低着头走出了房间,现在不是哭的时候,也不是该软弱的时候。 "Where are you oin?" the ruff atekeeper dended nacinly. “去哪里?“守门的恶棍凶巴巴地喝道。 "Sir, I need to fetch so water for the youn lady to cleanse herself." “回军爷,我要去给小姐打点水来洗身子。” "Go on, then!" “去吧!” Thus, I crossed the first threshold. However, the final barriers were not sothin I could deceive way throuh. Instead, the selfless sacrifice of our injured household servants allowed to escape. 就这样我踏出了第一道门槛,而最后那几道却不是我能骗过去的,而是我们家那几位原本已经受伤的家奴的舍生忘死护出了我。也因此,我逃了出来。 Alone and helpless, whocould I turn to for support? Who could help ? Who could rescue dear friend? 孤苦无依,我要投靠谁?谁又能帮助我?谁又能救出我的心儿? When I saw hiaain, he had truly beco the Crown Prince. 再次见到他时,他已经是名副其实的太子身份了。 However, the kindohis father had built was on the vere of collapse. Their coetitors'''' power rew stroner, takin over the capital, but possessin the Ierial City did not uarantee the eire''''s stability. The nation was rotten to the core due to corrupt officials, and overthrowin these old corrupt officials had beco a tter of life and death for the new Old Dynasty. 但是他父亲打下来的王国现在已经摇摇欲坠,竞争对手的势力正在一步步变强,占有了京城,占有了帝都不代表就守住了江山。因为贪官污吏,国家已经腐败到了骨子里,打倒那些旧的贪官污吏已经成了新的旧王朝的生死存亡的时刻。 I heard he had volunteered to tackle corruption and root out corrupt officials. 听闻他自告奋勇,毛遂自荐地要办贪污,反腐贪官。 Where could he be at this nt? Cui Yu ran towards the place with the sinboard that read "Ministry of Justice," alin that he was not in the palace but in the nistry. 那么他此时会出现在哪里呢?崔玉朝着那块挂着“大理寺”的牌匾的地方飞跑过去,她在赌,赌他此时不在皇宫,而是在大理寺中。 Arrivin at the Ministry of Justice ates, she had no other choice and couldn''''t just wait around. Even if she were to reveal her true identity as Cui Yu, she st likely would not be ranted e