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Chapter 83: The Prime Minist

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upset. Since I''''ve never held any hope, how can I be disappointed?"


"Please hit a couple of tis, lady. It''''s entirely fault for bein stupid and unable to see how thins really are. I always an well but end up causin har and in the end, I hurt you."


"I''''not particularly clever either. It''''s just that ever since I can reer, I''''ve never relied on luck in life."


Frothen on, whenever Grass saw The second youn ster, she would treat hirudely, inore hi and try to prevent hifroetin her lady.


Her lady had always been riht, so since Grass wasn''''t as clever as her, she should stop actin on her own and follow her lady''''s uidance in all tters.


When confronted with Grass''''s planned obstructions and difficulties, the second youn ster did not beco enraed.


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