Chapter 74: A Priceless Smil
> 只想他能离开我,离我远去。从此与君不再相见。 He can follow his own briht path, and I''''ll traverse own sinle-plank bride. But why can''''t I seeto et rid of such a person? 他走他的阳关道,我过我的独木桥。可是这样的一个人为什么总是甩不掉呢? What''''s so ood about ? 我究竟有什么好呢? Beauty? Talent? 容貌?才华? She looked at herself in the bronze rror, seein her beautiful face reflected on the rror. 她对着铜镜看去,镜中的她花容月貌。 She has phoenix eyes and a nose that reseles jade. 琼瑶玉鼻目如凤 Her lips are red, and her brows resele willow leaves. 眉如翠柳绛唇红 If I lost attractiveness, he should leave , correct? 若我没有了容貌,他因该就会离开吧! Alas, beauty has brouht nothin but trouble. 哎,都是容貌惹的祸。 So I devised a plan to "ruin" oreous beauty. 于是我设计”毁了”自己倾城的容颜。 The second youn ster is excellent in rality and intellience, with a caldeanor. 二公子性情温淑、才德兼备 He is ood, and I would be happy if he just wanted to be friend. but he wants re—re than I ever could offer. 他很好,如果他只想做我的朋友我会很高兴。但他想要的我给不起。 "My lady, I''''ve been servin you for so lon, but I still can''''t read your nd." “姑娘,我侍奉您这么久了,但我还是读不懂您的心思。”