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Chapter 61: Counterattack

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entually catchin up and surpassin .


Your na is widely known. Everyone calls you a beauty with unparalleled talent.


You y not realize that frothe nt you first showed your potential and unveiled your talents, I felt threatened. Since that day, I''''ve been workin tirelessly behind the scenes, pushin self harder than anyone else, unwillin to settle for bein overshadowed by you or overtaken by soone who started out behind .


So that people would not take lihtly. I just don''''t want to be inferior to you. I just don''''t wish to be surpassed by you, soone who catches up later.


But You are naturally ifted. Nothin is hard for you as lon as you put your nd to it and work hard. Nothin in this world you can''''t learn or do well.


You snatched the nuer one fro effortlessly. I thouht hard work could chane everythin.


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