Chapter 28: Third Meet
He is a reckless n and a very straihtforward person. He won''''t yield easily after kin up his nd, and he will surely et this beauty since he laid eyes on her. 这是一个莽夫,一个粗人,他认定的事就绝不会退步,他看上的女人一定要得到。 How beautiful the irl is, and her beauty even puts flowers to sha; 多么美丽的姑娘啊,花儿在她面前都要黯然失色; Her voice is so beautiful that it kes a n like hisrized. 就连那说话的声音都让他听得如痴如醉 How raceful the dance is! Her body dances lihtly like a startled wild oose, vin racefully like a soarin draon. 多么优雅的舞蹈,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。 He couldn''''t control hielf when she was dancin and ved closer to her with his tall body. He touched her in public, which de her trele with fear. 在她跳舞的时候,他居然就按捺不住自己,不受控制地用他自己那高大的身躯使劲往她身边凑过去,大庭广众之下就对那徐芊芊动手动脚,这让她胆战心惊。 His intention was quite apparent. 他的司马昭之心还真是人尽可知。 However, what can you do even if the uest in a brothel offended you? 只是这是风月场所,即便是客人唐突了美人又能如何呢? Wasn''''t it coon to et such uests in such a place? 在这种地方遇到这种不自觉的客人难道不是家常便饭吗? Everyone could see it. None of the people around us were blind. 周围那些人没有一个是眼瞎的,大家都看得明明白白,清清楚楚的。 Colorful Phoenix was clear about everythin that had happened here since she had been payin attention to the situation. 岳彩凤的目光一直注意着这边的动静,所以这里发生的一切她都是再清楚不过了。 Lookin at how pale her face was and how fordable the ene she was facin now. Colorful Phoenix couldn''''t help slin proudly and uthed to herself: 看着徐芊芊花容失色,如临大敌,她却不由自主地扬起了得意的微笑,自言自语道: "Xu Qianqian, I, Colorful Phoenix, appearance is not inferior to yours, nor is talent inferior to yours. We are all of the sa statuses. “徐芊芊,我岳彩凤自认容貌不逊色于你,才情也不逊色于你。我们都是同样身份的人。 What riht have you to put on a lady''''s airs to ? 凭什么你能在我面前摆架子? You always act delicate, attractive, proud, and intellient. 平日里装出一副楚楚动人,清高自负,不可一世的样子。