Chapter 18: Second Meet
She looked at the fiure. There was a nt she was standin there for nothin. She can feel the n is incredibly handso even without seein his face. 定睛看去,有那么一瞬间,徐芊芊也愣了愣神。虽没有见清面容,却已经感觉到那人的绝美风华。 He was dressed in a white own with a perfect fiure and ieccable posture, strollin throuh the forest. 一身白色长衫,裹着无可挑剔的身姿,款款悠悠漫步在林间小道中。 Wait, this uy see faliar to . Where exactly did I see hi I''''tryin to reer. 等等,这人好像似曾相识,到底在哪里见过呢?我努力回忆中。 When she tried to recall, he also noticed her. No, he saw her a lon ti ao. After all, Martial arts practitioners are different froordinary people. 当徐芊芊正在努力回想时,对方也发现了她,不,是对方早就注意到了他,毕竟习武之人还是不同于普通人的。 No, he had been here before her, discovered the place so day before, and walked here alone today without expectin to see a little irl bule in. 不,是他比她更早来到这里,他从小心细如发,所以前些天发现了这个地方,今天正好自己来这散步,却没有想到见到一个小姑娘闯入。 Isn’t it the irl he saw on the boat the other day? Why is she here now? 那个姑娘,不正是前些天在船上见过吗?为何此时她在这里? Who is she, and what kind of identity is she? 她究竟是何人?是何身份? Althouh he is iressed by the irl''''s beauty at first siht, he will not fall for a re beauty. 虽然初见时这姑娘的容貌让他眼前一亮,过目不忘,但是他自认为自己不是一个贪图美色的男子。 So he tried to foret her as quickly as he could, and he did. He wouldn''''t reer her if it was not for this sudden encounter. 所以也尽可能让自己转瞬忘记,事实证明他也确实忘记了她,如果不是这次又突然再相遇,他早就想不起船上的那一次惊鸿。 Why is she here? Her stroll showed that she seed very faliar with this place. 她怎么会出现在这?而且看她那悠然自得的散步模样,似乎对这里很是熟悉。 He was thinkin quickly and fiured out she probably had hidden the hole. 玉雨均此刻脑海中也正在飞速思考着,也猜测到了那个洞口估计就是她刻意给隐藏了。 He had spotted and quietly observed her for quite so ti. She seed just here for a walk and enjoyed the quiet nature as he did. 他早就发现了她,并且悄悄观察她有好一会儿了,也看到了这姑娘来这里只是为了散步,享受着大自然和这里的安静,这一点似乎和自己很相似。 Then he saw