Chapter 10: First Meet
''''s the st beautiful irl in the world, even enouh to cause the fall of a country. She has the perfect body because she has been dancin and playin the zither for ny years. She is better than ny noble irls when she just stands here. 一代名妓,容貌倾国倾城,又常年习舞练琴,身段气质更是一等一地好,她就立在那儿,就远胜多少名门千金,大家闺秀。 A well-known faly''''s youn sters like these have seen a lot of beauties, but it is the first ti they have seen such a beauty. 他们这些世家子弟,平日里也算是阅女无数了,但是还从未见过这样一张倾城倾国的容颜呢! Such a irl doesn''''t look like a hun but a oddess froa paintin. They all wonder if they are no loner in the rtal world and wipe their eyes. 这样的女子,当真如画中走出来的仙子一般。几人皆擦了擦眼睛,怀疑自己现在是不是在凡间。 Her beauty took their breath away. 她的美丽让他们都屏住呼吸。 Who is she? 她是谁? How did she end up here? 怎么会出现在这里? Is she the owner of the boat? 她是这艘画舫的主人吗? Or 还是说…… A roup of people with a lot of thouhts. 一群人心思百转千回。 An ordinary-lookin irl dressed in an ordinary took a cloak and walked towards this oddess. A soft voice could be heard. This irl st be her id. 一个长相普通、穿戴寻常的姑娘拿了一件披风走了出来,走向这个如神仙一般的女子,紧接着一个温柔的声音响起。这人应该是这仙子的丫环。 "My Lady, It''''s windy and cold outside, but what you wear is not warenouh. You stn''''t catch a cold. Please put on the cloak quickly." “姑娘,外面风大又冷,你却穿得如此薄单,小心着凉了,快把这件披风穿上吧!”