Chapter 9: First Mee 一见
/br> Her shoulder line looks chiseled, and her waist is tiny. 肩若削成,腰如约素。 Her skin is soth, and her teeth are neat and white. 肤如凝脂,齿白且齐。 With her lovely forehead and skinny eyebrows, she''''s truly a beauty. 额头丰满光洁、眉毛又细又长,是一个真正的美人。 The scene reflected in his eyes is like this. He accoanied so friends to tour the lake and play chess today. He ot out of the boat by hielf when he felt a little bored after sittin in it for a lon ti. Who knew he would see such a beauty when he lifted the curtain of the boat? The world is suddenly filled with colors like a fairy fallin frothe skies. There is nothin re beautiful and charn than her. Her face and body are heavenly de. She is exceedinly beautiful nonetheless. 此时映入玉雨均眼中的就是这么一副画面,今日他陪着自己的几个友人一起来游湖下棋,在里头坐久了有点闷得慌,于是自己一人出得船来,哪知掀开船帘,就看到了一幅这样的美人如画。刹那间天地放异彩,宛如仙女下凡来,国色天香世间少有,她就往那里一站就是一抹绝色。 Iression stly beins with a pretty face! 果真是好感大多始于颜值啊! He is no ordinary but the son of the pri nister and born with a hih rank, thouh he is entle, polite, and dest. But no one dares to be arroant in front of hi 玉雨均是相国公子,不是一般人,从小金尊玉贵,虽然性格温和、文质彬彬,但是却从来都没有人敢对他放肆。 There are only a few people that he enuinely respects in this world, includin so nobles and royalty an the 在这个世界上,能够让相国公子玉雨均心甘情愿为之低头的人屈指可数,其中,自然也包括一些高官贵族皇亲国戚。 So he has never really lost a deal for so ny years. 所以这么多年来,玉雨均几乎没有真正吃过亏。