Chapter 23 : Departure远离
We were enaed in activities that didn\''''t correspond with our positions. I think the Crown Prince should have reseled Zhan Guoyin—charistic, coandin, and enjoyin the finest thins in life concernin food, clothin, and shelter. 我们两个都在做着不符合自己身份的事情,在我心目中太子就应该如张国英一样英姿勃发,气宇轩昂,吃穿用度都是极好的。 He should have harbored lofty aitions, lookin down on others and only noticin those with exceptional abilities or unique qualities. Otherwise, he would have been like a fleetin cloud, vanishin without a trace. 心比天高,目中无人,除非对方确实有过人的能力和特别之处才能引来他的侧目和注意,否则他就像一片云,即使从你身边经过,也会片刻烟消云散,并且不留下一点点痕迹。 In heart, the Crown Prince should have been as unreachable as Zhan Guoyin. 在我心中的太子就应该像张国英一样那般地高高在上,那般地让人望尘莫及。 But I could never have iined the heir to the New Dynasty, the esteed Crown Prince, workin undercover on a far skillfully perforn the tasks with his hands calloused frotoil and labor. 可是我怎么也想不到新王朝皇的接班人,堂堂新王朝的太子殿下会隐姓埋名去做农活,并且还很擅长做农活,手上全是忙碌操劳带来厚厚的茧子。 Had I not seen it with own eyes and not spent day after day with hi I would never have believed such a prince could exist. Shouldn\''''t he have been studyin ierial tactics and strateies of power? 如果不是亲眼所见,如果不是日日相处,我永远也不会相信这个世界上会有这样的太子,他难道不应该去学帝王术?去学权谋吗? I would have never approached hiif I had known his identity earlier. I would have kept distance, preventin the subsequent events frooccurrin and sparin Zhan Guoyin\''''s heart frobein pierced by this thorn. 如果我能早点知道他的身份,我一定不会去靠近他,一定会躲得远远的,那么就不会有后面的事情,张国英心中也不会一直有着这样的一根刺。 However, there are no \"what ifs\" in this world. As a result, ny thins happened between us, and we appeared to have done a lot toether. But in ter of concrete evidence, we had done nothin. 可是这个世界上没有如果,所以我和他之间似乎是发生了很多事情,我和他之间也似乎做了很多事,但如果论事实依据,我们两又什么都没有做过。 Adaptin to local custo and oin with the flow, I diliently played the role of a villae irl. 入乡随俗、随遇而安,我努力扮演着一个合格的村姑身份。