Chapter 13: Old and New
Leavin the palace, she walked alone towards the beonia blosso. The flowers reined, but the person she loned for was now far away. 她离开皇宫,一个人又往那海棠花下走去,海棠花依在,可是人却是已到万里之外。 Cui Yu had chaned so ch that she hadn''''t even noticed it. She bean to care for the ordinary people at the bottoof society. 崔玉变了,变得自己都没有发觉自己变了,她变得关心那些底层的平民百姓。 She started to enjoy helpin the less fortunate, often usin keup to disuise her stunnin beauty and blend in with the crowd. She listened to the people''''s concerns and did everythin she could to alleviate their troubles. 她变得喜欢去帮助那些底层的平民百姓,她常常用妆容淡化自己绝色倾城的脸,化成平民隐于百姓之间。听百姓言,然后力所能及地为百姓排忧解难。 In this lower class of society, an the cooners, she encountered a refined youn n who also took pleasure in helpin others. 然而就在这底层社会,市井之中,她遇到了同样助人为乐的一位清秀公子。 He was knowledeable, talented, kind-hearted, always ready to help, and eathetic to the sufferin. 他博学多才,他心地善良,他助人为乐,他体恤万民。 After several encounters, they radually beca friends, often sharin a al, discussin their lives, worryin about the people''''s hardships, and seekin redies for their proble. 几次交往,他们渐渐有了朋友之谊,也常一起在一张桌子吃饭,论家常,忧百姓苦,寻救民良药。 She enuinely rearded this scholar as a confidant and friend. However, within her aunt''''s Ierial Noble Consort''''s quarters in the palace, she t the youn n aain. 她是真心真意地把这位书生当成了知己,当成了朋友,可是皇宫中,在姑姑的贵妃宫里,她再次见到了这位少年。 He turned out to be Crown Prince Liu Hao of the New Dynasty. Cui Yu was shocked and terrified, while the Ierial Noble Consort was delihted. 原来他就是新王朝太子刘昊,崔玉心惊胆战,崔贵妃心里眼里都乐开了花。 Crown Prince Liu Hao had fallen in love with her, with Cui Yu, the dauhter of the Cui faly. 太子刘昊爱上了她,太子刘昊爱上了她崔家的女儿崔玉。 Great nds think alike, even in tters of love. Two successive crown princes had fallen in love with the sa won. 英雄所见略同,连爱人也是,前后两任太子相继都爱上了同一个女人。 This was Butter