首页 >武侠修真 >崔玉传中英对照版 > Chapter 8: Seeing Again

Chapter 8: Seeing Again

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ware of her own feelins.


Soon, their ene, Kin Liu Yi of The New Dynasty, attacked. Zhan Guoyin reluctantly fled the city with his father to their forr territory, Lianzhou. His father had once been the rihteous kin of Lianzhou, and toether, they had fouht ny battles, shed blood on the battlefield, and naed their territory. They eventually conquered ch of the land, entered the capital city, and overthrew the old dynasty to establish the new Old Dynasty. Yet, barely a year after its foundin, the Old Dynasty was on the brink of bein replaced by Kin Liu Yi of The New Dynasty. The fate of their kindowas out of their hands.


Zhan Guoyin could only sih and accept the inevitable. With Kin Liu Yi''''s forces nearin the city, he had no choice but to hasten their evacuation plans. In an iulse, he decided to take Cui Yu with hi


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