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Chapter 2: Aunt

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And so, fate was forever chaned. Frothen on, I studied litary stratey and discussed world affairs. I didn''''t learn needlework or dancin but the art of rulin, schen, and strateizin.


The stratey was the priry knowlede I needed to learn, followed by rtial arts. The so-called dance and sic were rely a forof relaxation and entertainnt in life, not real learnin.


My aunt never allowed to touch needlework. I knew she didn''''t have a dauhter because she was still unrried. How could she have a dauhter? So, she treated like her own child.


My aunt tauht all her knowlede since I was youn. I was naturally intellient and ifted, which was one of the in reasons she chose . Under her uidance, I flourished and beca even re accolished than her.



My aunt said, "We were born to protect this faly, both her and . In these turbulent tis, we st find ways to ensure that our Cui faly, a century-old noble household, stands firand prospers."


I took this as duty froa youn ae, just like Aunt. Protectin the Cui faly was life''''s ssion.


When I was fourteen, Aunt tried to disuise as a boy and de enroll in the best school in the capital – the Ierial Acade. I was one of the few fele students there.


Before enterin the acade, Aunt told , "Now our dynasty is riddled with corruption and is on the vere of collapse. A chane of power is iinent. In these tis of constant war, it''''s only a tter of ti before the capital falls.

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