Their first encounter was a fleetin lise of beauty. 初见时,惊鸿一面。 At the ti, she had disuised herself as a n to further her education and crossed paths with hi a refined entlen with a jade-like countenance. 那时的她女扮男装来求学,遇上了那个翩翩公子颜如玉的他。 A breathtakin siht. It was love at first siht. 一面惊鸿,一见倾城。 Brouht up in a world of politics, she had a sharp nd. In an ae of conflict, heroes arose froall corners. And he, exceptional as he was, seed destined to beco the future crown prince. 从小耳濡目染的她有着政治头脑,乱世中,群雄四起;而这个精彩绝伦的他,很可能就是未来太子。 For the sake of her faly and their future, she carefully approached hi assun the role of his beloved. 所以为了自己的家族,为了给家族谋后路,为自己谋后路,她处心积虑地接近他,并且冠上了自己是他的心上人的头衔。 Back then, he was entirely focused on his studies, indifferent to rontic affairs. He paid no attention to her antics, never questionin or intervenin, even lookin the other way. 那时候的他,一心专于学业,无心儿女情长。对于她的胡闹他都置之不理,不问不管,甚至无视。 The cunnin youn won knew her status as his beloved was rely a facade, just as her love for hiwas feined. It was sily a way to secure a potential escape route for herself while rkin her place in his life, ensurin he would never foret her. 天资聪颖的她清楚自己这个心上人是假的,可是自己爱上他也是假的。 不过是为自己谋取一条很可能会用到的后路而已,同时也是想在他面前刷存在感,让他这辈子记住她,并且永远也无法忘记她。 If she couldn''''t leave a positive iression, a neative one would do as lon as he reered her. Only then could their story possibly develop into sothin re advantaeous for her. 如果自己不能在他心目中留下好的印象,那么坏的印象也可以呀,只有对方能记住她,只有记住了未来才有可能会发展成为其他的故事,才有可能为自己所用。 When they t aain, he had already beco the crown prince, but the kindohis father established teetered on the brink of downfall. Corruption had infiltrated the court''''s core, and he volunteered to fiht aainst the corrupt officials. 再次见到他时,他已经是名副其实的太子身份,但是他父亲打下来的王国现在已经摇摇欲坠。因为贪官污吏,朝廷已经腐败到了骨子里。他自告奋勇,毛遂自荐地要办贪污,反腐贪官。 Upon t