Chapter 12 : Twilight Years
r false hopes of fortune without effort. 人可以能力小,生活艰苦,如果原因是天灾人祸,或是世道等外界因素,那么是可以原谅的,那种有着铮铮傲骨的穷人是可倾可佩的;可是若是因为懒惰,或者是因为心存侥幸等内在原因就是不可饶恕的。 She battled, struled, and endured a life of poverty. As she approached her final nts, she concluded her life''''s wisdo 她苦了一辈子,斗了一辈子,穷了一辈子,到临死时终于总结了几句一生的人生总结: One''''s success ste frotheelves. It''''s pointless to nurture a decayed piece of wood, no tter the care bestowed; better to forsake it, seekin a robust tree instead. 人要靠自己成才,面对朽木再辛勤浇灌也是白费功,唯有弃之,另寻乔木; Don''''t rescue a drownin n; 溺水之人不救; Save not those who willinly derade theelves; 自甘堕落之人不救; Pity not those who seek death; 求死之人不救; To truly reap the rewards of hard work, one st first learn to let o. 人生要先学会舍弃,才能让自己的辛勤努力真有所得。 Life''''s decisions are akin to alin - the value lies not in the volu but in the quality. 人生的选择皆如赌博,贵精不贵多。 In this world, one should strive to live as a hero. And a hero lives on after death. 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。 Because Xian Yu decided to die rather than cross the river after bein defeated, his ry is still hihly cherished today. 至今思项羽,不肯过江东。