Chapter 2: Borrowing Rice借米
sociatin with our faly, fearin they''''d be draed down. 穷人家中无亲戚,父亲只得垂头丧气往回赶。这个世界上在很多时候从来没有真正的雪中送碳,只有锦上添花。因为我们家实在太穷,家境好点的亲戚没有哪个亲戚愿意和我们家来往,怕受牵连,怕被拖后腿。 My father passed an apple orchard that appeared unattended on the way ho. 在回家的路上,父亲经过一片很大的苹果园,四周一个人都没有。 At that nt, he saw a lier of hope, thinkin that brinin a few apples ho for his children would be better than nothin, as we had nothin at ho to eat. Eatin so apples could at least prevent us frobein too hunry durin the New Year. 父亲眼中看到了希望,他想着能摘几个苹果回去给孩子吃也好呀,不然家里什么都没有,吃点苹果至少可以保证过年的时候不至于那么地饿。 With this thouht, honest father stealthily picked apples frothe trees at the orchard''''s ede, hopin for the best. 于是老实巴交的父亲抱着侥幸心里偷偷的去把园外树上的苹果摘了下来。 The ancients once said, "A sinle ripe apricot escapes over the wall," but now ltiple apples are doin so. 古人云是一颗红杏出墙来,而现在是多个苹果出墙来。 But as he reached for the third apple, soone suddenly appeared, catchin hired-handed. 可是正当我父亲要摘第三个苹果时,果园里突然来人了,把我父亲抓了个现场。