首页 >历史军事 >镀金岁月 > ·Isabella·


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amp;amp;Sidney Polrd








*《Cheated Not Poisoned?: Fution in the United Kingdom, 1875-1938》作者:Michael French


*《Height, Health and History: Nutritional Status in the United Kingdom, 1750–1980》作者:R. Floud, K. Wachter, &A. Gregory.


*《The Agricultural Labour in 19th tury Engnd》作者:Kay Handford

*《The Dee and Fall of the British Aristocracy》作者:David adine.

*《The Victorians: An Age irospect》作者:John Gardiner


*《帝国英雄:布尔战争、绝命出逃与青年丘吉尔》作者:dice Milrd



*《Ameri Duchess: A Novel of suelo Vanderbilt》作者:Karen Harper


*《A Well-Behaved Woman: A Novel of the Vanderbilts》作者:Therese Anne Fowler


*《suelo and Alva Vanderbilt: The Story of a Daughter and a Mother in the Gilded Age》作者:Amanda Mazie Stuart

*《suelo: Portrait of an Ameri Heiress》作者:James Brough

*《Fortunes Children: The Fall of the House of Vanderbilt》作者:Arthur T Vanderbilt II

*《Lord Salisbury》作者:Robert Taylor

*《Lord Salisburys World: servative Enviros in Late-Victorian Britain》作者:Michael Bentley

*《Our life in the Highnds》作者:Queen Victoria

*《Queen Victoria》作者:Grace Greenwood

*《Queen Victoria: A Personal History》作者:Christopher Hibbert

*《Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals: A Sele》编者:Christopher Hibbert

*《Queen Victorias Mysterious Daughter: A Biography of Princess Louise》作者:Luda Hawksle

*《The Husband Hunters: Ameri Heiresses Who Married into the British Aristocracy》作者:Anne de Courcy

*《The Million Dolr Duchesses: How Americas Heiresses Seduced the Aristocracy》作者:Julie Ferry

*《To Marry

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