第 19 章
2023.07.16 * 01【infaus】 Adj.声名狼藉的,无耻的 a)Perhaps the st infaus syol of the oppression of Chinese won, foot-bindin, went on until the beinnin of the 20th century. 中国妇女受压迫最明显的标志——缠足,在20世纪初仍屡见不鲜。 b)His son is less well-known, but he was also responsible for what ny view as an infaus act of cultural vandalis 他的儿子没那么有名,但他也犯下了在许多人看来属于破坏文化的恶劣行径。 02【incense】 N./V.香,焚香,奉承 a)Once for a whole day, in a tele with burnin incense I ditated. 那一天,闭目在经殿的香雾中。(仓央嘉措《那一天》英译) b)And there’s different types of incense that you can try out. 并且你可以尝试不同类型的熏香。 03【dashin】 Adj.时髦的,华丽的,劲头十足的 a)And when she opens the door, ive her a dashin debonair(高兴的) sle. 当她开门时,给她一个大大的自信的微笑。(《美女与野兽》) b)He walked out in front of the audience with an infectious and confident nner clad in a dashin suit de by a friend in China. 他身着中国好友为他定制的闪亮的西装,以一种极富感染力和自信的方式出现在观众面前。 04【consternation】 N.惊愕,恐怖 a)People can have all sorts of consternation about it but we\''''re just tryin to be an unbiased source of infortion. 人们对此有着各种惊恐,我们只是努力提供客观的信息。 b)His rubicund(健康红润的) face expressed consternation and fatiue(疲劳). 他那红通的脸显得又惊惶又疲乏。 05【deference】 N.尊敬,敬重 a)In deference to your valuable ti, I would like to et straiht to the point and say that we were wron. 为了节省你的宝贵时间,我想开门见山地说我们错了。 b)When won are at work in public-contact jobs , they receive less basic deference than n. 当女人在公共场合里面工作,但是她们得到的最基本的尊重还是比男人少。 06【anonyus】 Adj.匿名的 a)Maybe leave an anonyus note, you know. 你不如留个匿名纸条吧。 b)Watch out for reports that reply on anonyus sources. 对于那些匿名的信息来源就要格外当心了。 07【schievous】 Adj.淘气的,恶作剧的,有害的 a)Inevitably, Pinocch