第 15 章
2023.07.12 * 01【hasten】 V.加速,催促,赶忙 a)The Queen thanks and rewards hi and they hasten back to the castle. 王后感激并酬谢了他,于是他们匆忙赶回城堡。(《长发公主》) b)I st tell you how pleased I was to hear of your enaent, and hasten you earnest conratulations. 非常高兴听到你订婚的消息,谨致上我虔诚的祝福。 02【urnful】 Adj.悲哀的,痛心的 a)How ny tears are left fir their urnful partin sih. 尚多少,离肠恨泪。(《鹊桥仙·七夕》英译) b)He raised his urnful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floatin like white lilies on the surface of a clear callake. 他提出对深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星一样在清澈平静的湖面上漂浮的白色百合花,他悲伤的眼睛。 03【valiant】 N./Adj.勇敢的,坚定的 a)Were all those dear, sorrowful, valiant, charn or traic beins rely drea? Had they actually existed? 所有这些宝贵的、苦痛的、勇敢的、可爱的或悲惨的人是梦中之影还是真正存在过的? b)Your actions frothe very beinnin have been what st ht consider evil, but what I see as valiant. 你的行为从最开始就被大多数人视为邪恶的,可我把它视为英勇。 04【obsolete】 N./Adj.淘汰的,过时的 a)When a subject becos totally obsolete we ke it a required course. 当一个科目已经变成完全过时,我们会把它列为必修课程。 b)However, this chaned world was no loner the stae for her old father and his deeds beca funnily obsolete. 可这世界,已不再是父亲驰骋的疆场,他的举动变得可笑落伍。(《笨拙的爱Awkward Love》) 05【iosin】 Adj.令人印象深刻的,壮观的 a)All durin the lon afternoon she thouht of the city outside and its iosin show, crowds, and fine buildins. 整个长长的下午,她想到外面的城市,那壮观的市容和人群,那些漂亮的大楼。 b)Worldwide, overnnt are iosin increasinly severe lits on how ch of those coounds fuels can contain. 世界各国政.府对燃料中硫氮化合物含量的限制越来越严格。 06【te】 N./V./Adj.哑巴,沉默 a)Finally there are four Tan dancers who seeto be swayin to a tune. Suddenly all the other fiures seestatic and te. 最后是四个唐代的舞姬,她们似乎正随着一首乐曲摇曳身躯,霎那间让人放佛觉得其他所有的陶俑都变得静寂无声。